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Helpful Links

Here are some links we find useful and helpful to navigate Senior Care Services.

(please note these links will take you to 3rd party websites that do not belong to Senior Care of Sacramento)

Please call us if you need assistance!


Federal Low Income Housing program also known as the Assisted Living Waiver  Program or ALWP

Assisted Living Waiver:

Organizations and Institutional Resources

Veterans Administration

The 2016 Guide to Federal Benefits for Veterans Dependents and Survivors (76 pages)

Long-Term Insurance Guide for Seniors (provided by

Light For Seniors – Carol Costa Smith (Founder)– Benefits consultation & processing for seniors and disabled persons. serving all of California

National Resource Directory: a guide to 17,000+ organized and vetted resources for service members, veterans, families, and military caregivers

Includes sections on Benefits & Compensation, Community of Care, Education and Training, Employment, Family and Care Giver Support, Health, Homeless Assistance, Housing, Transportation and Travel

Aid and Attendance Benefit

The National Council on Aging (NCOA)

Explore the NCOA’s benefits homepages


The webpage has direct links to the NCOA’s resource pages for Medicaid & Medicare Savings Programs, Medicare Advantage, Medicare and Dental Coverage, Medicare and Hearing, Medicare and Vision Coverage, Prescription Assistance Programs, Energy Assistance Benefits, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

NCOA Youtube Channel

NCOA Benefits Checkup web tool “See if you’re eligible for benefits to pay for food, medicine, rent, and other daily expenses.”

Email a question to the NCOA

American Public Transportation Association Directory

Area Agency on Aging or The Aging and Disability Resource Centers

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)

Emergency Food Assistance Program TEFAP

Home Delivered Meals and Congregate Meals

Home Purchase Programs

HUD Programs

Legal Aid for the Elderly (legal services offices and hotline services) 

Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) / Extra Help Prescription Assistance

Medicare Savings Programs

National Aging and Disability Transportation Center


Older Americans Act Title VI Programs and Services Title VI of The Older Americans Act (OAA) For Native Americans – Indian, Alaskan & Hawaii

Patient Assistance Programs (PAPS)

Property Tax Relief

Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)


Social Security Divorced Spouse Benefit

SSI Income, Tax and Legal Support

State-By-State 211 Information Lines

SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Programs) Resource Center

Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE)

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

The Alzheimer’s Association $1000 Respite Grant

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)

The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (N4A)

The Senior Community Service Employment Program

Title VI Programs Run By Tribes or Native Groups

Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

Have a question? Need FREE help? We will contact you...

Purchase a Private one hour Consultation - $350

We provide free placements and referrals if someone is referred and placed to assisted living memory care Independent Living or in home care within 90 days. Long-term care plans that consist of phone or in person, assessments, referrals, and financial Referral Resources provided during one on one phone or in person consultations. A one hour phone consultation for a long-term care plan and assessment is $350.

For couples it is $600.

A one and a half hour in person consultation for a long-term care plan and assessment is $525.

A sliding scale is available for low income seniors.

Call 916-877-6904 to schedule your long-term care plan and assessment consultation today or submit the form.

Don’t wait for a crisis to occur.

Plan ahead.


© 2013-2025 Senior Care of Sacramento


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